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Life Hacks | 20 Things Every Girl Should Know

Looking back to when I was younger, there are some things that I wish I knew sooner. I realised the importance of some of the things on this list when I started living alone while I was in college. The others I have discovered through the years as I interacted with different people and while on a journey of self-discovery.
This is not an exhaustive list, mind you, and if you have any other skills that you believe every young woman (or man for that matter) ought to know, please comment down below so that I can add them to the list. And don't forget to share this list with all the young women you know:) Let's help them learn these things as early as possible.

Below are 20 things every young woman should know in no particular order.

In the home

1. Basic repairs on clothes i.e. how to replace buttons, hemming, simple running stitches to repair gaping seams.

2. How to change a light bulb.

3. How to replace a fuse in a plug.

4. How to unclog a sink.

5. How to fix a flat tyre.

6. How to read a map. With Google Maps, you should be able to get from place to place without much trouble.

7. Basic cooking i.e. how to make tea and a simple meal like fry an egg, boil some rice etc.

On financial matters

8. How to negotiate. It;s your right to ask for a fairer price. This will help you save a few shillings.

9. How to create a budget and stick to it.

10. How to monitor your monthly expenses and see where you can save more.

11. How to make a major purchase. When you want to buy something, it's important to first look around comparing prices, do your research on the pros and cons of each brand, see if you can get more functionality if you spend a bit more on a more advanced model.

12. How to invest. Find out the best places to put your money so that you get good, timely returns.


13. Understand your purpose in life and create your mission statement and vision board. This will help you focus your efforts towards a particular goal.

14. Prioritising i.e. know what is more important at any given moment.

15. Know your values. Do you value communication, honesty, hardwork? This will help you determine what kind of relationships you have, what you can tolerate and what is non-negotiable.

16. How to stay focused be it on the task immediately at hand or in your life plan.

17. How to laugh. Allow yourself to laugh often. Look at the funny side of things. Laugh even at yourself. This will help you learn how not to take things too personally and it will also help you to be less stressed.

18. How to accept compliments and criticisms. Say thank you when someone compliments you and see criticisms (positive ones) as a way for you to see where you need to improve.

19. Find happiness. Seek out those things and people who contribute to your happiness. Remember that you are responsible for your own happiness. Don't ever let anyone take it away from you.

20. Basic etiquette i.e. cleanliness, how you treat others, table manners, magic words etc.
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