Better late than never, right? I celebrated another birthday about a week ago, yay!!! The older I get the more excited I get about life and all that is in store for me. I used to dread getting older, I still do at times. But then I look at the progress I have made, as a person, a mum, a professional, and I feel so proud of myself.
I have become more accepting of myself, flaws and all. And I'm not talking physical flaws. I've been looking back at my life facing the mistakes I have made head on and learning to deal with them. For a long time I was unable to do this because I was ashamed mostly. But I have come to accept that I am human and it is unfair for me to expect perfection. I will fail from time to time and it's okay.
Growing up can be scary, no lie. But once you get the courage to face life head on, the good, bad and ugly, you'll find that you will enjoy every aspect of your life more. Try it. I have and I'm happier for it.
Here's to another year on earth!
Thank you for stopping by.

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